Cold Plunge

Today on the blog we have the master of cold plunge, Sergio Abbud.

In this post we’re going to talk about why cold is King and Sergio is going to give us all the juice on the benefits of cold therapy or cold plunging.

Ladies, if you’ve ever heard of rolling an ice cube all over your face before applying your creams and then makeup before a day out, you already know that I’m obsessed with anything that will de-puff my eyes or decrease inflammation in the body. I’m also understanding the Wim Hof’s breathwork, cryotherapy and freezing cold showers.

Cold is your best friend. It helps with inflammation, circulation and energy levels.

After you read this post, you’re gonna fall in love with the cold. Sergio loves the cold plunge so much that he is spilling all the benefits to The Cold Plunge.

What are the benefits of the Cold Plunge?

The benefits of Cold Plunging are vast. Here are some of the benefits:

+Speeding up muscle & injury recovery

+Reducing inflammation

+Supporting a healthy immune system

+Improving lymphatic circulation

+Increasing red blood cell count & growth hormone levels

+Improving levels of endurance & recovery

+Increasing cardiovascular health

+Improving sleep and reducing stress

When is the best time to use the Cold Plunge?

Sergio: Anytime! It really depends on the person & goals. Personally, I love first thing in the morning post -sauna to get my day started & get that rush of energy & vitality. Cold plunging & coffee is a potent mixture.

Since you know I’m big on cold & ice cubes to the face, tell us what the cold can do for our mood?

Sergio: Regular cold exposure has been shown to release endorphins, help blood flow, & increase norepinephrine levels (up to 5x!). All three help to put you in a good mood. Plus, you just did something hard & overcame your fear, which helps us believe that we can do other hard things!

How can you utilize the Wim Hof method with The Cold Plunge?

Sergio: The Wim Hof Method is a great way to prep your body pre-Plunge or warm your body up post Plunge. It is important to note that under no circumstances should we be doing the Wim Hof method while in the The Cold Plunge.

When is it a good idea to use heat like a sauna? Before or after The Cold Plunge?

Sergio: I prefer to use the heat prior. This way you leave with the energized feeling post plunge. If you have time, doing the contrast in circuits (cycling back & forth multiple times) can feel great on the body. However, it does tire your body out.

What is the perfect morning routine when The Cold Plunge is involved?

Sergio: Oh man, there are so many ways to create the perfect morning routine. Right now, to me the perfect morning routine is meditation in the sauna followed by a Plunge then warming the body up through breathwork or jumping on a mini trampoline.

Who are some well-known Cold Plunge fanatics?

Sergio: Wim Hof, Tony Hawk, Tony Robbins, Aubrey Marcus, Gabby Reece and Andrew Huberman

How can The Cold Plunge help with swelling & inflammation? Give us all the details.

Cold water can lower the temperature of damaged tissue & constrict the blood vessels. This helps reduce the swelling & inflammation, while numbing nerve endings for immediate pain relief. So, by simply taking a cold post -workout shower, you’ll help relieve muscle soreness & inflammation.

Where can people find out more about taking the Cold Plunge?

@Hippo Social Club


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